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In order to meet our customers' requirements and to provide them with complete satisfaction, we apply very strict quality control, as soon as we receive the plastics that we recycle. We carry out numerous samples on each arrival, to ensure the consistency of the qualities received and to verify that these materials will enable us to obtain the desired performance.
Nous mettons un point d’honneur à soigner le sourcing de nos produits.
Depuis fin 2022, nos granulés MPR-PVC sont certifiés par l’AFNOR ( Norme NF-558 ), ce qui induit des contrôles réguliers de nos process de production et de notre traçabilité matière.
Nous effectuons des contrôles systématiques par lots, sur toutes nos productions de granulés destinés à la vente et nos appareils de mesure sont certifiés régulièrement par plusieurs organismes habilités.
Cette norme NF-558 ( Matières premières de recyclage plastique.) est l’aboutissement d’un travail rigoureux de caractérisation de nos productions, afin de garantir à nos clients une matière recyclée parfaitement stable et en conformité avec leurs exigences.
The sourcing of our waste to be recycled is essential and
we are very vigilant about the right balance in our relationships with our suppliers.
As the very principle of recycling is based on a circular operation, it is important that each link in the chain can make a reasonable profit from its trade and
mutual respect between the various actors is a decisive factor.
Throughout the manufacturing process, controls are carried out by our operators directly on the extrusion lines, but also in the laboratory, by our quality department.
We can thus check that our productions (pipes and pellets) are in conformity with our commitments and technical data sheets.
Within the company, traceability is complete.
All the raw material batches received are monitored throughout the manufacturing process, with very precise records kept over several decades.